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Paneer Recipe nutrition recipes Feb 05, 2021

Paneer Recipe 

I have always loved paneer, but I fell IN LOVE with paneer at the last conference my teacher hosted which I attended, because he had it served to us each and every day!  There is truly something magical, and mystically rejuvenating, on a daily paneer protocol. As a vegetarian at that time, I felt all of my tissues scream yes as I savored each bite. I had perhaps...

Carrot Halava Ayurvedic Dessert Recipe nutrition recipes Jan 20, 2021

 Carrot Halava Ayurveda Dessert Recipe

(Ayurveda Carrot Halwa Recipe)

Carrot halava is a delicious and nutritious dessert which is perfect for the fall and winter months.  Carrots are warming and, as a root vegetable, they contain a lot of earth element in them provides strength and grounding during the cold and windy winter months.


You Will Need:


  • Enough grated carrots...

Ayurveda Sesame Brittle Recipe (Ayurveda Til Chikki Recipe) nutrition recipes Jan 07, 2021

 Ayurveda Sesame Brittle Recipe

(aka - Ayurveda Til Chikki Recipe)


This is an ayurveda foodie winter favorite.  Simple, delicious, nutritious and transportable.   Sesame brittle is for grounding vata, which means soothing a wandering spirit back into its body =). I love this as a snack or pre-breakfast blood sugar boost. Kids love it, everyone loves it....

Ayurvedic Psychology of Politics philosophy Nov 06, 2020

Ayurvedic Psychology of Politics


Ayurveda says that whatever you find in the world. You will find within yourself. 

The saying goes:  "Yat Pinde Tat Brahmande".

Translated as "whatever is in the microcosm is also in the macrocosm", (pindanda = microcosm and brahmanda = macrocosm)

Meaning whatever is in you, is in the universe. Whatever is in the universe is in you.

From the...

Ayurveda Bugout Bag Must Haves... lifestyle Sep 17, 2020

 Top 3 Ayurveda Bugout Bag Must Haves:

1.  Oil, Oil, Oil!

  • Oil applied to your skin, supports the deep release of stress and tension and deactivates your nervous system our of fight-or-flight sympathetic nerve response, and softens it into "rest & digest" parasympathetic mode. 
    Calm and rejuvenate your nervous system 1-2 times a day by receiving an ayurveda daily warm oil...
Ayurveda Lung Support for Smoky Skies... herbs lifestyle Sep 14, 2020

What to do to support your lungs during a smoky air wildfire crisis?

The epithelial cells of your lungs are the delicate inner "lining" where the environment and lung cells interface.  It's here that toxins and damage from what we breathe in will first create an imbalance and deposit toxins.

Here are few simple protocols, herbs and foods to arm you with some ayurvedic lung armor during...

Black Lives Matter. Channeling Fire & Taking Action lifestyle philosophy Jun 09, 2020

Channeling Anger about Social Injustices...

We are witnessing a planetary shift in consciousness.

A time when violence and brutality against our black brothers and sisters is no longer tolerated.   A time where other nationalities and countries across the planet are at long last reaching out their hands, their voices, their pocket...

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