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Ayurveda Herbalist School




Reclaim Your Power to Heal Yourself & Pass it on!

Welcome Powerful Healer!

Become the powerful confident healer you were born to be in our 9-Month Ayurveda Herbalist School!

We Grow Ayurveda Herbalists!

What is Ayurveda Herbalist School?

  • Learn to heal yourself and others naturally thru herbs, foods and lifestyle therapies

  • Learn the healing properties & usage of 100+ herbs & classical herbal oils, ghees, wines & jams

  • Create customized herbal formulations for yourself, family, friends & clients

  • Make your own herbal & aromatic products (including culinary & massage oils, skincare and beauty products, salves, lotions, ghees, tinctures, jams, body butters, body scrubs, bath salts, facial moisturizers, lip balms & more!)

  • Learn to use traditional ayurveda healing methods, protocols and products for addressing common imbalances in all bodily systems (including the digestive, nervous, endocrine, immune, reproductive,  pregnancy, children, cardiovascular, respiratory, urinary, skeletal, skin, hair, and more)

  • Study with our world class guides the foremothers of ayurveda herbalism in the USA!

  • Become the powerful confident healer you were born to be and launch the herbal, ayurveda & natural healing career of your dreams in just 9-Months!

Launch a Career that Makes Your Soul Sing!

Become the Powerful Self & Community Healer You Were Born to Be!

3-Part Training Includes:

(100% Online Training)

The three non-sequential trainings below make up our complete training. Students may take the trainings in any order, although we suggest starting with the "Foundations" training.

Ayurveda Herbalist Foundations Training:

February 11 - June 22, 2025

Women, Reproduction & Beyond Training:

July 15 - November 11, 2025

Ayurveda Herbalist Training & Internship:

July 15 - December 16, 2025

What our students say...

"Completing the Ayurvedic Herbalist Trainings gave me not just the knowledge but also the wisdom to heal bodily imbalances. The diversity of healing philosophies from the different teachers made this a very enriching experience. The hands-on medicine making immersions and internship helped bring the knowledge to life. I am deeply grateful to the school for the confidence I now have as I work with clients to help them jumpstart their health." 
~ Mariam Balasubramanian
~ Ayurveda Herbalist Trainings Graduate

What our students say...

"The Ayurveda Herbalist trainings changed my life in so many ways! My personal and professional life have changed and grown in ways I could not expect. I learned so much and am so grateful for everything I gained in the trainings!"

~ Lynn Hanger ~
Ayurveda Herbalist Trainings Graduate

"I really appreciate everything you did for us and the tremendous health benefits I got from taking both Ayurveda Herbalist Trainings!! I really don’t know where I would be without the programs. My menorrhagia is gone. I went from 4 days in bed each month, in pain, anemic, no energy, to normal menses, no problems. Thank you again from the bottom of my heart!"

~ Katie Horowitz ~
Ayurveda Herbalist Trainings Graduate

"The Ayurveda Herbalist Trainings have truly been an amazing experience and opportunity. I totally suggest anyone wanting to learn this way of living to join. It's amazing! The community & resources are so helpful. It's helped me sooo much with understanding myself & helping me open up. It's helped me with communicating my feelings & thoughts. This program has changed me in so many good ways this has been an amazing journey and I will do it again!!! Thank you to the Ayurvedic Living School team❤️❤️"

~ Brittany Rucker ~
Ayurveda Herbalist Trainings Graduate, Owner ~ Beatyntheherbs

"After trying multiple other distance programs, I am so grateful to have found the Ayurveda Herbalist Program at the Ayuvedic Living School. The community and support system in the school is unmatched in a distance learning setting. In many ways, it has changed the lens through which I view the world. I've gained a much deeper and more holistic understanding of my own health, and a confidence to be able to work with others to improve their wellness. I now recognize how disease moves through the body and have concrete ideas and methods on how to treat imbalances through diet, lifestyle and herbs. I really feel confident to move forward with my goals of becoming a practitioner."

Sarah Furman
Ayurveda Herbalist

"I absolutely loved the herbalist training. I really wanted to learn about disease pathology, and how we can heal naturally and holistically, as well as bring balance to the body. Traci, and all of the teachers and staff have been so supportive, and really fostered a sense of community. I’ve loved my time and all that I’ve learned. Thank you! - Alicia "

Alicia Love Hood
Ayurveda Herbalist, Intuitive Healer, Bodyworker, Sound Healer, Teacher, Spiritual Counselor

"The Ayurveda Herbalist Trainings were a game changer in my wholistic western herbalist approach to life. The trainings widened my perspective and gave me a deeper understanding to healing ourselves through the Ayurvedic lens of self care. The training set a foundation for a future of healing myself and helping others heal themselves through an Ayurveda lifestyle and the addition of herbs when necessary. The school community and teachers were very inspiring and I feel as if I have a sense of community for life. I am truly blessed having been given this opportunity to participate in the Ayurveda Herbalist Training. "

~ Fallon Orr ~
Ayurveda Herbalist Trainings Graduate

"The Ayurvedic Herbalist trainings have provided me with many valuable skills that I use both in my personal and work life. After completing ALS's programs, I developed the confidence to launch an Integrative Health Program at my work place. I now offer holistic consults, and prepare personal ayurvedic herbal formulas for my patients. I have an active practice in medicine as a Nurse Practitioner in a Community Health Center and am required to see 16-20 patients per day addressing simple and complex health problems. I have studied many alternative health modalities over the years, but my knowledge of Ayurveda has allowed me to identify and treat the dosha out of balance and look more deeply at the root issues. The program gave me a plethora of practical knowledge that I continue to utilize in my practice." ~ Lisa Hoyt, Ayurvedic Practitoner, Ayurvedic Herbalist, Nurse Practitioner, Ayurvedic Herbalist & Ayurveda Life Mastery (formerly Ayurvedic Living Program) graduate, ALS, Arcata, CA"

~ Lisa Hoyt ~
Ayurvedic Practitioner, Nurse Practitioner, ALS Graduate

"I took the Ayurveda Herbalist training because I have been interested in both Ayurveda and Herbalism for a few years and I thought why not try both?! What a beautiful program and combination. This program would be great for anyone who is already a western herbalist wanting to expand their knowledge or anyone who is interested in Ayurveda and wants to dive head first into common imbalances and how to see them from the wholistic perspective! From this course I gained more than I ever would have imagined, including self-confidence, life-long friends, and clarity for the future."

~ Shawn Specht ~
Ayurveda Herbalist Trainings Graduate

"To say that the Ayurvedic Living School has transformed my life would be an understatement. I came to Ayurveda broken, fragile and scared. I emerged happy, healthy and confident. From the bottom of my heart, I highly recommend all of the ALS programs."

~ Anne Allen ~
Ayurveda Life MasteryTM (formerly Ayurvedic Living Program) & Ayurveda Herbalist Program Graduate

"I am so very grateful to have found Ayurveda. I love everything about it. Nothing has ever felt so right to me. This is exactly where I am supposed to be and what I am supposed to be doing...having this background and tools to use allows me to truly take care of my patients and I am so grateful to be able to use this to help people."

~ Amanda Gray ~
Ayurvedic Herbalist Trainings Graduate

"Completing the Ayurvedic Herbalist Trainings gave me not just the knowledge but also the wisdom to heal bodily imbalances. The protocols from SVA lineage coupled with the diversity of healing philosophies from the different teachers made this a very enriching experience. The hands-on medicine making immersions and internship helped bring the knowledge to life. I am deeply grateful to the school for the confidence I now have as I work with clients to help them jumpstart their health through herbal formulations. "

~ Mariam Afzal ~
Ayurveda Herbalist Trainings Graduate

"When I first found the program I was searching for something I could do in light of the fact my massage office had been closed down due to covid. I have studied Ayurveda for years so was very excited to find something I could do online and something I believed strongly in and knew something about. The journey towards my goal of becoming a health and longevity coach :) has been a bit long dream I have accomplished. I look forward to sharing the valuable life skills I have learned here with others and feel like I will be able to build a very fulfilling and successful business from what I have learned."

~ Roblynn Neumann ~
Ayurveda Herbalist Trainings Graduate

"The Ayurveda Herbalist Trainings give insight as to how lifestyle impacts our health and how the elements being out of balance can slowly cause disease. With this course, I learned how to incorporate lifestyle and herbs when needed to live my best life. Best of all, I can share this information with my loved ones."

~ Kelly Duvall ~
Ayurveda Herbalist Trainings Graduate

Your Transformation Includes 100% Online Training Including:

🌙Weekly 3-Hour Live Class with Traci Webb & World Class Guides ~ Ayurveda Tuesdays!
🌙Weekly Video Lessons
  🌙Peer Support & Practice Pods
🌙Private Ayurveda Health Sessions with our Certified Graduates
🌙Monthly Module Review Q&A Session
🌙Program Textbook mailed to your doorstep!
🌙Private Community Forum
🌙Discounts on ayurveda products & foods for you and your clients
🌙 Community Membership Subscription : On-Demand Video Archive, 100+ Ayurveda Cooking, Self-Care & Yoga Classes (Value: $1499!)
Special Foundations Training Bonus Online Retreats:
 🌙3-Day Embodied Ayurveda Self-Care Retreat
🌙3-Day Ayurveda Cooking & Herbal & Aromatic Product Making Immersion
🌙3-Day Ayurveda Body Reading Skills Training (Face, Body, Tongue, Voice, Nails, Pulse Assessment)
 🌙3-Day Ayurveda Mindset Mastery, Habit Evolution & Self-Mastery Retreat
Special Internship Only Bonuses:
🌙3-Day Ayurveda Herbalist Foundations Retreat (includes: Advanced Herbal Formulating  Skills & Client Sessions Demonstration Day)
🌙4 Monthly 1-Day Ayurveda Community Health Clinics (Group Client Sessions & Demonstrations)
🌙4 Monthly Half-day Herbal Formulating Practicums
🌙Ayurveda Business-in-a-Box (Client Intake Forms & Handouts)
🌙FREE Annual Listing in Our Online Practitioner Directory

---------- Frequently Asked Questions ----------

Ayurveda Herbalist TrainingTM is especially for you if...

  • You're ready to reclaim your power to heal yourself and others naturally using herbs, foods and lifestyle therapies
  • You're ready to uplevel your herbal knowledge  & feel confident in working with herbs, making your own herbal remedies & growing your own herbal garden
  • You want to understand how the body works, what causes the various imbalances of the body and how to get to the root cause of them once and for all
  • You've been studying  herbs, ayurveda and/or natural healing on your own and you want to fill in your knowledge gaps within an organized framework to understand the whole picture
  • You're a health care provider, herbalist, therapist, coach, yoga teacher, change-maker, healer, creative who wants to add-on or transition to herbs, ayurveda, or health-coaching and to use your gifts to empower others to heal naturally
  • You're ready to take your health, life & career to the next level
  • You're ready to expand your healing toolchest & step into greater confidence & visibility professionally
  • You know you need a growth container to help get you to the next level including experienced mentors, ongoing one-on-one support and a like-minded community of powerful peers
  • You don’t want to leave this world with your gifts still inside you
  • You want to be a part of the solution
  • You’re willing to get outside of your comfort zone and grow

100% ONLINE TRAINING: All live classes, bonuses and retreats are held 100% ONLINE.  Classes are held via zoom calls and they’re all recorded for you to watch and rewatch later from our intuitive online virtual school. You'll have indefinite access to all videos recordings.

YES! Don't let your schedule stop you. The materials and access to the community and journey we’re going to take you through will be effective even if you never attend a live event!

Monthly integration sessions are also scheduled at alternate times of day to accomodate women in different time zones.

Plus, all classes are recorded for you to watch and re-watch later at your convenience. You'll have indefinite access to all class recordings.

Our students have found that it takes 4-6 hours a week outside of class to transform their life over the course of the program. Ayurveda Herbalist TrainingTM provides you the training, mentoring, community, and growth container you need to achieve your dreams week by week.

We recommend starting with whichever class is registering at the time you find the school. That way you can jump in and get started! Many students choose to start with the "Foundations" training which starts each Febuary. Classes can be taken in any order and there are no prerequisites. We believe students find us exactly when they're meant to and encourage them to follow the flow and jump into the next available cohort.

Your World Class Guides

These powerhouse women are some of the founding foremothers of ayurveda in the US. They are the teachers teachers. They have traversed the ups and downs of the decades of their lives and familiies with the wisdom of ayurveda guiding them. Lead teachers each have 30+ years of lived ayurveda wisdom within their bones and hearts. They share their diverse backgrounds in ayurveda, women's wisdom, psychology, clinical practice, trauma-informed care, cooking, herbalism, aromatherapy, herbal & aromatic product making, growing their own food and herbs, massage, panchakarma, marma therapy, pulse mastery, body & face reading, yoga, meditation, breathwork, tantra, mantra, dance, and so much more.


Traci Webb, Founding Director, Lead Teacher, Program Designer, Author, Empowerer of Women

Vijaya Stern, Ayurveda Naturopath, Tantric Yogini, Ayurveda Pathophysiology, Herbal Therapeutics

Sandhiya Ramaswamy, Ayurveda Pathophysiology, Herbal Therapeutics

Mary Thompson, Teacher of Teachers, Mentor, Ayurveda Foundations, Pathophysiology & Herbal Therapeutics

Mamta Landerman, President Founder of CAAM, Ayurveda Foundations, & Women's Cycles

Dr. Sarita Shrestha, BAMS, MD (Ayu OB/GYN), Ayurveda Women's Wisdom & Health of Mother and Baby

Jennifer Wiest, Community Director, Lead Intern Supervisor, Herbal & Aromatic Product Making, Monthly Q&A Sessions


Step into Professional Visibility in the Ayurveda & Herbal Industries!

Graduates may use the information provided in this course for self-healing and/or to guide individuals and groups through private ayurveda and herbal health sessions, group healing programs and/or public education workshops. The scope of practice emphasizes private sessions and education. List of skills/modalities covered include: Ayurveda Imbalance Management of All Bodily Systems, Ayurveda Herbal Energetics, Properties, Usage, Indications, Contraindications,  Traditional Ayurveda Herbal Preparations & Usage (ie, traditional herbal ghees, jams, wines, churnas, etc), How to Create Customized Herbal Formulations & Herbal Formula Design, Herbal & Aromatic Product Making, Client Consultations, Women's Wisdom, Pregnancy, Wombcare & Care of Children and Babies,  Ayurveda Cooking & Nutrition, Properties of Spices, Gut Health Imbalance Management, Ayurveda Daily/Nightly/Seasonal Self-Care Routines & Habit Evolution, and Determining a Person's Mind-Body Constitution (prakruti) and Imbalance Tendencies (vikruti).

Scope of Practice Includes:

  • Meeting with people one-on-one as an Ayurveda Herbalist (with proof of proper insurance - to be discussed in class)

  • Leading public workshops, classes and retreats (ie, at health food stores, healing centers, retreat centers, yoga studios, in-person & online events) on the above list of skills

  • Adding-on the above skills to your current offerings, therapy sessions, yoga classes

  • Providing personal health sessions and/or group education and/or consultations on the above list of skills/modalities

  • Internship Training Includes: Ownership of a complete done-for-you “Ayurveda Business Kit" (intake forms + client handouts) to easily lauch your ayurveda and/or herbalist practice and/or programs

  • Be an official Ayurvedic Living School Ayurveda Herbalist including membership in an exclusive club of our published practitioners upon completion of Ayurveda Women's Wisdom School: Ayurveda Health Coach, Life Coach & Nutrition Coach Training

Our graduates will receive a course certificate of completion from our school. Students who complete our programs are eligible to apply to AAPNA third party certificates and board certification (see logos below).


We're Poudly Associated with


Organizations We Proudly Support...

We put our money where our heart is. Each year we give 10% of our profits to Just Like My Child's "Girl Power Project" which empowers and protects girls and women in Africa & India by providing them the education, life skills and confidence they need to avoid early drop outs, forced child marriage, early pregnancy, disease, and sexual violence. Girl Power Project trains girls to become leaders within their communities and to change the trajectory of their futures and that of their children and communities.





🌺Student Entry Interview Required🌺


Become the POWERFUL CONFIDENT HEALER you were born to be, and create the Ayurveda Herbalist and natural healing career of your dreams in just 9 months!


Starts:  February 11, 2025

Earlybird Deadline (Saves $250!): October 27, 2024, 5pm PT/8pm ET

Registration Deadline: February 7, 2025

 Bundle & save additional: $501-$1001!

Space is limited. First come first served. 

Choose your registration option box below.

🎉Days Until $250 Earlybird Discount Expires!...










Tess Skudlark, Winnetka, CA ~ A Massage Therapist who added Ayurveda Health Consultations and Ayurveda Herbal Products to her practice.



Shiela Dimof, Indianapolis, IN ~ How a Yoga Teacher & Massage Therapist added Ayurveda Nutrition, Herbal and Health & Life Coaching Sessions to her practice and doubled her income while in the program...



Watch Shawn Specht found her calling in ayurveda after having gone through the western educational route and how she discovered an easier softer path to health, purpose, confidence & self-care...



Isadora Spearwoman, Sedona, Arizona, is a Doula now incorporating ayurveda into her care of mothers-to-be and babies.



Manjot Bhutta, Canada ~ A Mother who revisited her dreams of learning herbs and ayurveda after raising her family, and healed her anxiety, insomnia & became confident along the way...



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