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Ayurveda Brown Rice Gluten-Free Halava (Halwa) Dessert or Cereal Recipe nutrition recipes Jun 05, 2024

Ayurveda Brown Rice Gluten-Free Halava Recipe


This incredible recipe will hit the spot in the summer, winter, or anytime you're craving something sweet & restorative after a long day of physical, mental and/or emotional work.  You can go dairy free if needed or use milk to enhance the restorative properties to your mind, emotional heart and body. Brown rice is high in earth...

Introducing Homeopathy with Kim Elia Producer "Introducing Homeopathy" the Movie guest herbs lifestyle nutrition Apr 03, 2024

Learn all about homeopathy history, health conditions and personality types its great at addressing, how it's being used for healing humans, animals and the planet with Kim Elia world renowned homeopathic educator, speaker and producer of the groundbreaking movie "Introducing Homeopathy" which launches April 19, 2024 (see link below link to register for viewing).


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Meet Glady McGarey - 102-Year-Old Doctor & Mother of Holistic Medicine & Her Secrets to Happiness & Health at Any Age guest life-coaching lifestyle philosophy Feb 28, 2024

Meet 102-Year-Old Doctor and "Mother of Holistic Medicine" Dr. Gladys McGarey as she shares about her  secrets to happiness and health at any age, love as the greatest medicine, the inner physician, meeting Mahatma Gandhi, and her 10-year plan!


Increase Your Income & Grow Your Business by Adding Ayurveda with Stephanie von Meeteren life-coaching testimonial Jan 23, 2024

Increase Your Income and Grow Your Business by Adding Ayurveda to Your Offerings with Stephanie von Meeteren. Learn how Stephanie increased her income and her impact by adding Ayurveda to her Yoga Therapy offerings. To learn more about: Ayurveda Life Mastery: Health & Life Coach & Nutritionist Training.

Reclaiming Your Power to Heal Yourself & Healing Gut & Mental Health Challenges thru Ayurveda with Delaney Bray life-coaching lifestyle testimonial Jan 10, 2024

In this episode, we speak to Delaney Bray an Ayurvedic Living School graduate who shares about her "Whole Life Transformation" and becoming invincible, self-confident, self-compassionate, optimistic and armed with the Ayurveda Invincibility Tools & Life Skills through Ayurveda School and how she not only healed her gut, and digestive issues but also healed her mental health and...

Karolina Olamendi on Ayurveda for Thyroid Imbalances lifestyle testimonial Jan 05, 2024

Learn how Karolina Olamendi healed her own 10 year thyroid imbalance (hypothryroidism) and was able to come completely off her thyroid medication within 6 months of learning Ayurveda at the Ayurvedic Living School in our Ayurveda Life Mastery Program. Congratutions Karolina! You're such an inspiration! NOTE:Program results may vary from person to person. This video is not intended to treat or...

🦄8 Signs You're a Born Healer with Traci Webb life-coaching lifestyle philosophy Nov 29, 2023

Ever wonder if you're meant to be a healer? How do you know for sure? Wondering if ayurveda is right for you? Here are 8 Signs You're a Born Healer with Traci Webb (Ayurvedic Living School Founding Director). 

Sarah Kruse Teacher Spotlight teachers Nov 27, 2023

Sarah Kruse is a long time student of Dr. Vasant Lad. She is an Ayurvedic Practitioner & panchakarma educator who assists her clients & students in returning to their true nature through Ayurveda. She has chosen to work in the field of Ayurveda for the purpose of bringing healing and awareness to people’s lives so that they can realize their passion and purpose and contribute...

Chana Dhal nutrition recipes Nov 21, 2023

Chana Dhal

Chana dhal is made with a type of small dark garbanzo bean called “kala chana”. Regu-lar garbanzo beans are a larger bean which go by the name “Kabuli Chana”. Kala chana dhal is made from a smaller type of garbano bean or “chickpea” as they are called which has a darker skin which has been split and the skin has been removed. Whole kala chana is...

Urid Dhal Soup Recipe nutrition recipes Nov 21, 2023



Urid dhal is a slimy, sticky, slightly heating and a nice dhal for Vatas. It is used medicinally in Ayurveda to tonify the bone tissue and deeply nourish the muscles, reproductive and lac-tation systems as well as detoxify the system. Because of its heavy nature, it is hard to di-gest and should not be eaten if agni is challenged; otherwise, it will readily produce...

Masurya Dhal nutrition recipes Nov 21, 2023



Masurya dhal is high in iron and is great for building the blood and for vatas in general. When cooking masurya as a blood builder, consider adding carrots, beets, yams, cinnamon stick, and greens to assist in blood building. Either bean may be cooked without previous soaking, but soaking is always preferred whenever possible.

Masurya Dhal takes approximately 1/2...

Laurel Donovan on Healing from Trauma through Ayurveda Herbalism testimonial Nov 21, 2023

Join Ayurveda Herbalist Training Graduate Laurel Donovan as she discusses how Ayurveda helped her find relief from trauma after years of trying many different healing modalities. 

Fallon Orr on Ayurveda for Skin Imbalances testimonial Nov 21, 2023

Join Ayurveda Coaching and Herbalism graduate, Fallon Orr as she discusses how she healed her rare skin disorder and reclaimed her freedom through the wisdom of Ayurveda. 

Susie Clayton on Ayurveda Psychology for Loving Yourself testimonial Nov 21, 2023

Join Susie Clayton, graduate of the Ayurveda Health & Life Coach & Nutritionist Certification Training for Women as she opens up about how Ayurveda Psychology helped her heal her body and her relationship to herself.

Mia Hamilton on Ayurveda for finding Direction and Confidence testimonial Nov 20, 2023

Before Ayurveda Life Mastery Health & Life Coach & Nutritionist Training, Mia Hamilton felt scattered and experienced imposter syndrome. Find out how she found clarity and confidence through Ayurveda. 

Marta Fabregas on Ayurveda for Nurturing Yourself and Others testimonial Nov 20, 2023

Join biology graduate and now also of Ayurveda Health & Life Coach & Nutritionist Certification Training for Women as she walks us through how the holistic approach of ayurveda helped her learn to nurture herself and awakened her passion for healing others.

Hosted by Traci Webb.

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