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Ayurveda Probiotic Spinach Paneer Recipe (Ayurveda Saag Paneer Recipe) nutrition recipes Jun 16, 2021

Spinach Paneer Recipe


Spinach paneer also known as saag paneer, is a creamy spinach with paneer cubes (homemade cheese) and probiotic benefits.  It is an excellent vegetarian protein source and blood builder and is recommended on a weekly basis for vegetarians. This is a very popular dish with kids and served in every indian restaurant. The creamy texture of spinach with...

Soothe Summer Anger thru Ayurveda lifestyle philosophy Jun 15, 2021

3 Chill Pills

to Soothe Summer Anger

with Traci Webb



1. Do not postpone your meals - this will overheat your liver (the "seat of anger") and will eat away at your reserve energy ("ojas") leaving you with diminished endurance to stress and more likely to flare up for no reason. 


2. Take 15 minute vacations once an hour. Here are some ayurvedic ideas for you......

Ayurveda Sleeping Tips to Sleep Like a Baby... lifestyle Jun 15, 2021

Biohacking Sleep


Learn to sleep like a baby with three simple tips from Ayurveda.

Ayurveda Bone Broth Recipe nutrition recipes Jun 15, 2021

Ayurvedic Bone Broth Recipe

Bone broth is a popular trend and an ancient medicinal food. So much of the time in modern culture we eat the meat and forgo some of the most nutrient dense parts of the animal - the bones and organs.

Bone broth is teeming with the minerals and nutrients needed to nourish and heal the deeper tissues of the body containing nutrients like calcium, magnesium,...

Ayurveda Probiotic Drink Recipe (Ayurveda Buttermilk Takra Recipe) nutrition recipes May 27, 2021

 Ayurveda Probiotic Drink Recipe

(AKA ~ Ayurveda Buttermilk Recipe, or Ayurveda Takra Recipe)

 Why Takra:

 Takra is Ayurveda's probiotic drink.  It's very different from what we call buttermilk in most stores in the west. This recipe is often used to restore the beneficial bacteria and heal gut imbalances in ayurveda - a unique and difficult task. It is very good for...

Curry Leaves: How to store herbs lifestyle recipes May 17, 2021


How to store... 

Learn a quick and easy Ayurveda secret tip to store curry leaves long term in the freezer to retain their flavor, aroma, color and the awesomeness that is curry leaves with Traci Webb.

Veggie Rolled Rice (Veggie Poha) Recipe nutrition recipes Apr 30, 2021

Ayurveda Veggie Rolled Rice Recipe (Ayurveda Veggie Poha/Powa)

This is a light, easy, delicious meal your whole family will enjoy.  

 Poha is a “flattened” rice dish, similar to rice pilaf, which is quick and easy to make. Poha is a dehusked rice which is flattened into dry rice flakes. When added to liquid (hot or cold), the poha flakes absorb the fluids making them...

Puffed Lotus Seeds Dessert Recipe (Ayurveda Phool Makhana Recipe) nutrition recipes Apr 23, 2021

Puffed Lotus Seeds Dessert

(aka "Phool Makhana" dessert)


Here's a fun dessert/snack/cereal recipe which is light, delicious and perfect for spring time know in ayurveda as kapha or heavy-happy season. Because spring is heavy, it feels right to eat light in spring. Puffed Sweet Lotus Seeds with Roasted Pecans is ideal. It's also got the added "prabhav" super power of being incredibly...

Spices for Spring & for Reducing Kapha recipes Mar 31, 2021


Spring time is upon us in the northern hemisphere.  It's time to increase your spicing to strengthen digestion, burn away toxins, and open your bodily channels so the toxins can flow out easily. Kapha heavy watery earthy qualities dominate the environment, your body and your mind at this time. It's a great time to plant the seeds you're wanting to manifest for the year, but just...

Ayurveda Mung Veggie Patties (Fritters) Recipe nutrition recipes Mar 24, 2021

Ayurveda Mung Veggie Patties Recipe

(aka - Ayurveda Mung Veggie Fritters)


Think you'll enjoy this mung veggie fritter lightly sauteed in ghee for added a light crisp.  Goes well with coconut or cilantro chutney.  A satisfying treat away from meat or deep fried. Healthy filled with legumes like mung, chickpeas, peas along with veggies of choice like cabbage, shredded carrot and...

Ayurveda Sauteed Paneer Recipe nutrition recipes Feb 18, 2021

 Ayurveda Sautéed Paneer Recipe


EVERYONE LOVES THIS DISH (even meat eaters)!  It's savory, salty, oily and deeply satisfying. It's an excellent vegetarian protein source to build healthy tissues. Most vegetarians may not realize it's not just our muscles which need adequate protein. In fact, most of our bodily tissues aside from blood and fat are built up by our daily...

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