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Ayurveda Chapatis Recipe - Wheat, Barley, Arrowroot Flat Breads nutrition recipes Oct 23, 2023



Chapatis are deeply satisfying “tortillas” which can be made homemade 1-2 times per week and set in fridge ready to cook fresh with your meals. You can use one flour or a combination of flours made from common grains and dhals such as: barley, oats, millet, quinoa, rice, spelt, amaranth, tapioca, garbanzo, mung, etc).


  • 1.5 cup wheat...

Ayurveda Amrapan Mango Drink Recipe nutrition recipes Oct 23, 2023

“Amrapan” Ayurveda Mango Drink

Perfect for summer hydration and nourishment!


  • 1 ripe raw mango, skin and pit removed

  • 2 cups water

  • ½ tsp. crushed roasted cumin seeds or Mum’s super spice

  • 6 black pepper corns

  • 6 mint leaves

  • 1/8 tsp soma salt

  • 1 Tbs sugar

  • Juice of ½ lime

 Blend all together.


Mantha- The Original Ayurveda Smoothy Recipe nutrition recipes Oct 23, 2023

“Mantha Recipe” - Ayurvedas Original “Smoothie”

This delicious drink has a very soothing, cooling, relaxing, nourishing, mild laxative effect. 

Preparation - Take 1 handful of:

  • Raisins

  • Dates (pitted)

  • Figs

Soak it in 1 cup water or enough water to cover for an hour.

Mix in blender well.


Ayurveda Sattu Recipe - Sustaining and Rehydrating Drink Meal nutrition recipes Oct 23, 2023

“Sattu” Recipe - Sustaining and Rehydrating Drink Meal

  • 1 oz toasted barley powdered

  • 1 oz toasted kala chana powdered

  • 4 pinches soma salt

  • 2 cups water

  • Juice of ½ lime

  • ¼ tsp Toasted and powdered cumin seed or mum’s super spice

Dry roast kala chana and then remove skin, dry roast barley separately. Blend together until powdered. Add all other...

Ayurveda Rose Lassi Recipe (Ayurveda Gulab Lassi Recipe) nutrition recipes Oct 23, 2023

Ayurveda Rose Lassi Recipe

  • 1 cups plain yogurt

  • 1 cup water or more to desired thickness

  • 1 tsp rose water (if you have pure rose hydrosol only - no imitations)

  • 1tsp-1 Tbs rose jam, add additional unrefined sweetener and rose water to taste

  • 1 tsp raw fennel seeds

  • A pinch of cardamom (optional)

  • Blend ingredients with hand immersion blender for 1 minute until frothy

  • top with 1-2...

Ayurveda Digestive Lassi Recipe (Ayurveda Pachak Lassi Recipe) nutrition recipes Oct 23, 2023

Pachak Lassi

  • 1 cup water

  • ¼-1 cup plain yogurt

  • 1 slice fresh ginger root or 2 pinches Ayurvedic ginger powder

  • 2 pinches cumin powder

  • 2 pinches fennel powder

  • 1 pinch salt

  • Pinch of cilantro leaves or coriander powder

  • Blend in blender for 1 minute.

Enhances digestive power. Balances all doshas. Can Take with meal.


Tamarind Prune Chutney nutrition recipes Oct 23, 2023

Tamarind Prune Chutney

This chutney is to be used only for purging the bowels during your Ayurvedic Living DetoxTM. Take 2-4 Tbs of chutney with dinner. You will learn to adjust the dosage over time to achieve the desired purge of 4-5 loose bowel movements. Bowels should be loose but not diarrhea.

8oz boiling water
4 dried prunes
1 tamarind pod (preferably “Thai...

Spice Churnas for Vata, Pitta, and Kapha nutrition recipes Oct 23, 2023

Spice Churnas for Vata, Pitta, and Kapha

When we begin to follow an Ayurvedic diet, we are often attached to a food list of do’s and don’ts and we adhere as closely to this as possible. As we deepen in our understanding of why and how certain foods affect us, we begin to relax a little bit from our strict adherence to a food list and start to rejoin the rest of the dining world. We...

Coconut Probiotic nutrition recipes Oct 23, 2023

Coconut Probiotic


1 fresh MATURE Coconut (with brown fiber intact) – shake to be sure contains a lot of water 

½ tsp yogurt starter 


Open fresh coconut and pour coconut water into a clean and dry mason jar  using a strainer and a funnel 

Add spring water to a pot and prepare a water bath (AKA - double boiler or  bain...

KitchariĀ - Barley-Quinoa-Rice-MungĀ  nutrition recipes Oct 23, 2023

Kitchari - Barley-Quinoa-Rice-Mung 


1/3 cup each pearled barley, quinoa and white basmati rice ½ cup split mung dhal 

2 Tbs ghee 

1 Tbs cumin seeds 

½ tsp turmeric 

1 tsp garam masala (“mum’s super spice”) 

1 ½ tsp salt (or to taste) 

2 tsp coriander powder 

Optional: 1 cup chopped...

Ayurvedic Veggie Patties nutrition recipes Oct 23, 2023

Ayurvedic Veggie Patties


  •  ½ cup each dry roasted cashews, rolled oats and besan flour (dry roast 3-5  minutes together) 

  •  1 cup zucchini (grated) 

  •  1/2 cup carrots (grated) 

  •  1/2 cup green peas  

  •  1/4 cup oat flour 

  •  1/2 teaspoon turmeric ground  

  •  1 teaspoon each: cumin powder, fennel...

Toxic Superfoods: How Oxalate Overload is Making You Sick-and How to Get Better with Sally K. Norton, MPH, Ivy-League Nutritionist & Author nutrition philosophy Jul 28, 2023

What are Oxalates and How are they Killing You?  On today's episode we’re talking to Sally K Norton, MPH an Ivy-league Nutritionist & Author of the book: Toxic Superfoods: How Oxalate Overload is Making You Sick-and How to Get BetterSally’s going to be sharing with us about oxalates, what they are, what imbalances they cause, what foods they’re found in, what...

Freedom Roll (Berry Dessert Roll) nutrition recipes Jul 03, 2023

Freedom Roll (Berry Dessert Roll)

This delicious red, white and blueberry dessert roll is perfect anytime you want a light, delicious berry dessert with a beautiful and showy presentation perfect for parties and celebrations. It's perfect for the 4th of July because of it's red and blue berries on top of fresh white whipped cream! In fact, it mimics the light style of birthdayman/woman cakes...

Naan Bread Recipe Ayurveda Style nutrition recipes May 24, 2023


Naan is a soft bread which is very reducing to vata people. Naan is traditionally cooked in a clay oven or “tandoor.” This recipe uses a regular home oven, or even a toaster oven if that is what you’re working with.

Makes 6-8 Naan.


2 cups of flour (I prefer to use 1 1/3 cup whole wheat bread flour to 2/3 cup rice or barley flour, but for gluten...

Roblynn Neumann on Ayurveda for Longevity testimonial Apr 24, 2023

Join us as bodyworker and Ayurveda Coaching graduate Roblynn Neumann as she explains the way Ayurveda has awakened the passion and knowledge to specialize in Ayurveda for Longevity.

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