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Rejuvenating Ayurveda Group Detox

Deep Release & Renewal of Your


August 29-September 26, 2024

Doors Close: September 26, 2024

Module: Vata & EMF detox. 
Experience detox protocols, herbs, foods for removing vata dosha & EMF from the body, colon, mind, home & heart



What is Shaktidetox and Who's it for?...


Experience Deep Rest & Renewal

of Your Body, Heart & Home!

Imagine shedding years and layers of physical, emotional, chemical & environmental toxins while softening into deep rest and renewal within your new body, heart and home. It's so important to press the pause button on our life to take stock of who we are in this moment, reconnect with who we are at the core of our being, to realign with who we're becoming and be willing to release that which no longer serves our higher purpose.


Bonus: Ayurveda Detox Foods Course

$99 Value!

Included in your Shaktidetox is a special Detox Foods Course where you'll learn all about the specific ayurveda detox foods and recipes we'll be incorporating into our diets over the course of  detox to support a gentle yet profound cleansing of longstanding toxins within our tissues, organs and systems. Includes: 2 videos lessons + 10 Shaktidetox recipes


Course Details...

Hi, I'm Traci, Your Guide...

Deeply Caring for Ourself is the Foundation of Caring for Others...

Join our global community of big-hearted serial-givers who come together to be nourished, rejuvenated, re-centered and reminded that receiving is a necessary sacred act. We come together online for several weeks in both each Spring and Fall to be reminded of our own divinity and to find a safe space to share our challenges and release our patterns, limitations, emotional, physical and environmental toxins. Reconnect to your own inner medicine through the healing power of ayurveda which is the ancient mother of all medicines. Receive the support you need to feel deeply nourished and renewed as you move through each season with a community of like-minded peers. Classes will be guided by both me and our incredible team of Detox Guides.

I look forward to walking this journey with you,

xo Traci & Team Ayurveda


Click Your Selection Box Below to Register. 
Doors Close:  September 25, 2024

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